
Showing posts from August, 2015

This Week's Highlights

This was a perfect week to start Pups Running and our new club, WCES.   Here are some highlights from the week. Students participated in a school bullying convocation that focused on being an "upstander" instead of a bystander. Our math class performed a square number dance and created factor trees to find the prime factorization of various numbers. Students read oral histories from Ellis Island and analyzed the authors' viewpoints. Vision and hearing screenings were given to all new students. We used our knowledge of latitude and longitude to plot and locate various points on a map. The Colts came to breakfast on Thursday to film for their Play 60 initiative.  Our class finished up M.A.P. testing in the lab today. We learned how to use evidence from the text to support our thinking during writing.  Our class dressed as superheroes to show support for Brooks Blackmore.  Donations can be made at . Thank you for making this

Pups Running Deadline

Tonight is the deadline to register for our amazing Pups Running Team!!  Just visit the official site to sign your child up.  Please contact Nurse Diane if you have any questions.

Being Proactive in Fifth Grade

We have spent a lot of time discussing what it means to be proactive this week.  It has been nice to teach the traits in class and observe students being proactive throughout the school day.  Each day I am observing students who are taking charge by asking questions during lessons, joining after school clubs, and keeping a positive attitude throughout the day. Here is a quick update on our studies. It has been a very busy second week back. Reading We started unit 1 in Reach for Reading this week.  This unit investigates the immigrant experience and discusses how location affects who we are.  The reading strategy of preview and predict is introduced, and students are learning to describe how a character changes in the beginning, middle, and end of a story. Social Studies Geography is the focus of unit one in TCI.  We are practicing how to identify major physical features and landforms on U.S. maps.  We've learned the differences between the terms bay and gulf, cape and penin

First Week Highlights

We have had a fabulous first week.  Our behavior has been exceptional in the classroom and on the playground.  Here were some of the week's highlights. Highlights Greeting each other during our morning meetings Attending a convocation on the 7 Habits of Happy Kids Learning how to pick "just right books" and distinguish between literary genres Locating and labeling a world map and globe Touring a school bus to learn about transportation safety Presenting All About Me bags to the class Participating in math class Thursday and Friday Celebrating Ian French's birthday!! Next week we will start unit 1 in Reach for Reading and Meet the Teacher night is next Weds. at 7:00.  Please look for a spelling list in your child's folder on Monday. Thanks for making this such a great week! Mrs. L

First Day of School

Today was a fantastic first day back!  It was wonderful to hear about everyone's summertime adventures and experiences. We had a chance to take a school tour, discuss classroom rules, and preview our new textbooks.  Tomorrow we will attend a school convocation in the gym to kick off our new leadership program.  Our lunchtime is much later this school year.  Students are welcome to bring in a snack to eat during our silent reading time.    They may bring in a healthy snack each day or bring in a large bag that they can keep here at school.  Here are some examples of healthy snacks - granola bars fruit popcorn whole grain cereal pretzels dried fruit or nuts whole grain crackers Please let me know if you have any questions about our new snack policy. Mrs. L

Specials Schedule

Here is our latest schedule update. Monday - Art Tuesday - P.E. Wednesday - Media Thursday - Music Friday - Computer Lab