Final Days

Our semester is quickly coming to an end.  Holiday party envelopes were sent home yesterday.  Please look for these in your child's folder.  We will have a book exchange again this year at our annual Winter Party.  Please wrap a gently used book and send it in by next Weds. 
Don't forget to mark you calendar for these exciting events!!

Thursday, December 10th - Choir visits the zoo!!
Friday, December 11th -  Gingerbread House Decorating with Kinderbuddies
Monday, December 14th - CES Science Fair 6:30 - 8 pm Gym
Weds, December 16th - Holiday Program 9:00 am and 7 pm
Friday, December 18th - Last Day of School / Holiday Party @ 1:30
Friday, January 8th - Report Cards Sent

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